
问答题 Write a memo in about 50 words. You are Human Resources Manager. Your company is going to provide the staff with training in E-Commerce. There will be two course levels: intermediate level and advanced level. The training course will be given on Saturdays for five weeks. Write a memo to department managers: ·Informing them of the coming training course; ·Asking them to encourage the staff to participate; ·Asking them to help obtain the names of the interested staff.

问答题 Write a memo in about 50 words. You are the Personnel Manager of a company, and have been approached by your IT Department to recruit three new members of staff. Write a memo to Miss Kate Bush, the Manager of the IT Department, ·informing her you have received over 100 applications and have selected 10 candidates for interview, ·telling her you will write to the candidates inviting them for interview, and ·asking her to tell you the time and the place of the interview.

问答题 You are working at ABC Company. You are the supervisor of Information Processing Center. You need some information about the walnutmeat in stock because one of your customers need it eagerly. Write a memorandum to the Inventory Supervisor. 你在ABC公司工作,是信息处理中心主管。你的一位客户急需你公司生产的核桃仁。写一份备忘录给存货部主管向其询问库存情况。

问答题 Write a memo in about 50 words. You are a department manager. A new copying machine has been installed in your department. Write a memo to tell your staff members to be careful in using the newly-installed photocopier. Your instructions should include the following particulars: ·Ask them not to use it for too long at a time. ·Ask them to switch off the machine after use. ·Encourage them to offer suggestions for the care of the machine.

问答题 Write a memo in about 50 words. You received a letter from a British customer complaining of the late delivery of their Order No.366.Then you looked into the matter and found it was the fault of your dispatch department.Write a short memo to your assistant, Jack Zhou. ·Ask him to visit your dispatch department and urge them to dispatch the order. ·Specify the goods, quality, and the deadline for dispatch. ·Add any relevant information you can think of.

问答题 Write a letter in 130-150 words. 你公司是专营办公家具的外贸公司。请给你的客户David Howard先生写一封回信,信中应包括以下内容: ·确认对方的询问信,并且表达愿意为对方再次服务的友好意愿; ·介绍产品的特点、优点以及将给未来用户带来的好处; ·能给潜在客户提供服务和优惠,使客户产生购买欲望; ·敦促客户尽快决定,因为订晚了可能没有货源可供。

问答题 Write a letter in 130-150 words. Write a sales letter to an old customer who placed an order with you two years ago,and draw his attention to some new products which represent a great improvement on some of the models he has sold successfully.Your letter should cover the following particulars: ·对方是你公司的老客户,曾大批订购你公司生产的开关装置(switchgear),之后就没有再订过货。 ·告知客户你公司最近在市场推出一种最新高压(high voltage)开关装置,并介绍新产品的特点。 ·随函寄上产品规格及价格表供对方参考,并强调尽快订货的重要性。

问答题 Write a letter in 130-150 words. 假定你是某大学商务英语专业四年级学生。你从2月20日的《中国日报》上得知某公司在招聘翻译。请写一封应聘信,告诉你申请本岗位的优势和原因,并告知联系方式和联系时间。

问答题 Write a letter in 130-150 words. 根据下列信息写一封希望与一家外国公司建立业务关系的书信,字数在130-150之间。 1.从网上获悉贵公司求购丝绸服装。 2.我们公司是我国最大的丝绸服装出口公司之一,愿在平等互惠的基础上建立业务关系。 3.我们公司的丝绸服装采用高档纯丝作原料,按传统工艺制作而成,给人以雍容华贵之感,令人爱不释手。现附上商品目录和价格单供贵公司参阅。 4.希望贵公司来函询盘。