
问答题 美感可以描述为[填空1]、[填空2]、[填空3]、[填空4]、[填空5]等五大特征。

判断题 《维也纳条约法公约》规定条约必须采用书面形式,禁止口头协议。(   ) 正确 错误

问答题 无论是阶级斗争、社会革命,还是社会改革,都根源于 ( ) 。

单项选择题 观看了《技术体验:云盘》,了解了云盘对教学的支持作用。 A、正确 B、错误

多项选择题 以下焊接检验的方法中哪些属于非破坏性检验。(       ) A、耐压检验  B、密封性试验  C、磁粉探伤 D、化学分析试验

单项选择题 10.  Xu Zhimo memorial garden at King's College Cambridge opens to public Chinese poet Xu Zhimo's memorial garden opened at King's College Cambridge in England on Friday, during the fourth annual Cambridge Xu Zhimo Poetry and Art Festival. Dozens of poets from China and Britain gathered in the garden, reading their own works on the theme of Birds and Gardens. Xu Zhimo was an early 20th-century Chinese poet. In 1921, Xu studied at King's College Cambridge. His best-known poem, "A Second Farewell to Cambridge," was written in 1928, after Xu's third visit to Cambridge. It is filled with longings for Cambridge, his love of England and its poetry. 90 years later, a Chinese garden named after Xu Zhimo's was designed and built at King's College Cambridge. It is the first Chinese garden built inside any college campus in Cambridge. The garden center is shaped as Yin and Yang, with a walking path running through. The inscribed in the path are the second and third verses of "A Second Farewell to Cambridge", guiding visitors through the garden to the Crescent Moon Bench, which was named in memory of the Chinese literary society co-founded by Xu Zhimo in 1923. Professor Alan Macfarlane, chair of the Cambridge Xu Zhimo Poetry and Art Festival, said on Friday that the garden is not only designed on Daoist and Buddhist principles, but also to represent a fusion of East and West, just as Xu Zhimo was trying to bring the cultural treasures from China to England, and from England to China. Macfarlane added that he hopes through both poetry and the garden, cultural links between China and Britain can be further enhanced. The poetry festival has become one of the most influential Sino-British cultural exchange activities in Britain since 2015. During this year's festival, eight artwork exhibitions showcasing modern Chinese paintings, porcelain artworks and calligraphy are also being held at the college. 19.  This passage is possibly from _____.

单项选择题 多数国际银团贷款通常包括外国出口信贷和( )。A. 备用信用证担保贷款B. 直接银团贷款C. 本国进口信贷D. 国际商业信贷

单项选择题 当投影方向S垂直于轴测投影面P时,称为( ) A. 正轴测图 B. 斜轴测图 C. 中心投影 D. 斜二测图

多项选择题 对硬木气味的描述对的有A. 红木的气味都具有药用效果B. 黄花梨也是一味中药材,能有降血压,提神醒脑的功效C. 古代的才子佳人用其制成香筒、香囊、带在身边或制成香料、香薰D. 红木的天然气味被时常用于古人吟诗咏词或读书习字的氛围晕染

单项选择题 共同海损分摊的请求权,时效期间为一年,自:(  ) A. 共同危险发生之日起算 B. 共同海损措施结束之日起算 C. 到达第一个目的港之日起算 D. 共同海损理算结束之日起算