
单项选择题 车站现有设备条件下, 采用合理的技术作业过程, 一昼夜能够接发各方向的货物列车数和运行图规定的旅客列车数被称为( )。A.车站通过能力B.咽喉区通过能力C.咽喉道岔组通过能力D.到发线通过能力

单项选择题 微软的Bing,Windows Live,Microsoft Business Productivity Online等产品属于软件即服务(SaaS)类型。 ( )A.对B.错

单项选择题 多关节肌作为原动肌收缩时,对其中一个关节发挥作用后,对其余关节就不能充分发挥作用,此现象称为多关节肌“被动不足”。 ( )A.对B.错

单项选择题 子类中定义了一个方法,该方法和父类的方法声明相同,但是具有不同的方法体,称为子类方法( )父类方法A.重载B.覆盖C.复制D.调用

单项选择题 MPs is the short form for Members of Parliament, referring to the members of both the upper chamber and the lower chamber. ( ) A.对B.错

多项选择题 A brain-computer interface (BCI) is a technology that allows communication between a human or animal brain and an external technology. This term can refer to an interface that takes signals from the brain to an external piece of hardware, or a technology that sends signals to the brain. Various different brain-computer interface technologies have been developed at different times, through different methods and for diverse purposes, including in virtual reality technology. A brain-computer interface may also be known as a brain-machine interface, a direct neural interface or a mind-machine interface. Some of the earliest brain-computer interface technologies simply recorded signals from the brain. More modern BCI technologies are designed as implants that will improve on skills associated with certain brain activities, such as vision, hearing or other human or animal functions. A range of these devices, called neuroprosthetics, have been developed and are in use around the world as a functional means of assisting human capabilities. Another type of brain-computer interface that is still theoretical relates to the pursuit and construction of artificial intelligence, where technology is designed to imitate human intelligence. Brain-computer interfaces have been studied as a possible means toward a process called "the singularity," which is the theoretical creation of technologies that are more intelligent than humans. It has been suggested that users could "upload" an entire human brain to a theoretical type of brain-computer interface that would completely replicate its function, allowing a human to live on in terms of brain function, without a human body. These and other similar theories continue to drive interest in developing more powerful and sophisticated brain-computer interfaces that can more completely receive a model of high-level human brain activity or intelligence.A.It is an external technology.B.It is a technology that allows communication between a human or animal brain.C.It refers to an interface that takes signals from the brain to an external piece of hardware.D.It is a technology that sends signals to the brain.

单项选择题 今天我们要继承和发扬传统民本思想中的合理内核,在治国理政过程中,尊重人民的( )地位,确定我们国家人民的政治主体资格。 A. 关键性 B. 以人为本 C. 政治性 D. 主体性

单项选择题 当从明亮的环境进入到较暗的环境中,会感觉到一片漆黑,过一会儿视觉才能逐渐恢复,人眼适应暗环境这种能力称为暗适应性。 A. 对 B. 错

多项选择题 人们早已知道,某些生物的活动是按时间的变化(昼夜交替或四季变更)来进行的,具有时间上的周期性节律,如鸡叫三遍天亮,青蛙冬眠春晓,大雁春来秋往,牵牛花破晓开放等等。人们由此得出结论:凡生物的活动都受生物钟支配,具有时间上的周期性节律。下列各项议论中,与上面所使用的论证方法相同的是( )。A.麻雀会飞,乌鸦会飞,大雁会飞,天鹅、秃鹫、喜鹊、海鸥等等也会飞,所以,所有的鸟都会飞B.我们磨擦冻僵的双手,手便暖和起来;我们敲击石块,石块会发出火光;我们用锤子打击铁块,铁块也能热到发红;古人还通过钻木取火,所以,任何两个物体的磨擦都能生热C.外科医生在给病人做手术时可以看X光片,律师在为被告辩护时可以查看辩护书,建筑师在盖房子时可以查看设计图纸,教师备课时可以查看各种参考书,为什么独独不允许学生考试时看教科书及其相关的资料D.张山是湖南人,他爱吃辣椒;李司是湖南人,他也爱吃辣椒;王武是湖南人,更爱吃辣椒。我碰到的几个湖南人都爱吃辣椒。所以,所有湖南人都爱吃辣椒

多项选择题 At the time of submission, authors must disclose any details of ( ). A. related papers B. similar papers in press C. translations D. related papers in a different language