
多项选择题 社会生活基本上可以分为(       )。 A. 公共生活 B. 职业生活 C. 婚姻家庭生活 D. 网络虚拟世界生活

单项选择题 4.下列叙述中,不适于在数控铣床上进行加工零件是(    ). A、轮廓形状特别复杂或难于控制尺寸的零件 B、大批量生产的简单零件 C、精度要求高的零件 D、小批量多品种的零件

单项选择题 绝缘栅双极晶体管的三个引出电极分别是(   )。 A、阳极、阴极、门极  B、基极、集电极、发射极 C、栅极、漏极、源极 D、栅极、集电极、发射极

单项选择题 天坛在中国古代属于什么类型的建筑?() A、 坛庙 B、 宫殿 C、 园林 D、 陵墓

单项选择题 A、A B、B C、C D、D

单项选择题 a、b、c三球自同一高度以相同速率抛出,a球竖直上抛,b球水平抛出,c球竖直下抛。设三球落地的速率分别为va.vb.vc则A. va>vb>vcB. va=vb>vcC. va>vb=vcD. va=vb=vc

单项选择题 除案情复杂需要延期的情形外,处理集体劳动争议的期限是( ) A、自受理申请之日起30日内结束 B、自受理申请之日起45日内结束 C、自受理申请之日起60日内结束 D、自受理申请之日起90日内结束

单项选择题 The key step for a decision to become a precedent is ( )A.Stare decisisB.Judge made a decision

不定项选择 曲线为左偏,置镜HZ点测设曲线时,其偏角为正拨。

单项选择题 From the introduction, which sentence introduces who else has done this study? A、Overall 10 publications with clinical trials could be identified. Their clinical outcome was compared with that laboratory bond strength studies B、While from 1990 to 1999 in total only 5 articles on this topic could be identified in the PubMed database, it increased to 15 articles in the years 2000–2004 und to 96 articles from 2005 to 2009 C、On densely sintered zirconia clinically no durable bonding was achieved using silica-coating, silane application and using a MDP containing luting resin D、However, despite the use of retentive preparation design a debonding rate of 13.3% occurred within the first 53 months 无解析