
多项选择题 CH2=CH-CH2-C≡CH分子中碳原子的杂化方式有:

单项选择题 “Could you tell me about a time you worked as part of a team?” The best answer to the above interview question is: _________________ A、I helped build our professional services with a team of peers. We wholeheartedly provided our thoughts and ideas and shared our professional experience. I clearly remember us process mapping with a big whiteboard, in a free-flowing, brainstorming way. B、I imagine my best team experience would be one where we could walk through a project schedule, get on the same page, talk through issues and roadblocks, and set a plan of action. That would be an incredible experience. C、The new product launch would be one of the best examples of teamwork that I saw at my last job. They established good camaraderie, learned from each other, and discussed how to continue to be successful working with other departments in the company. D、None of the above.

单项选择题 下列各技术中,()属于频分多址连接技术。 A. FDMA B. TDMA C. SDMA D. CDMA

单项选择题 Good habits, once _____, are just as hard to break as bad habits.  A、 to establish  B、establishing  C、established D、establish

单项选择题 企业应按照应计制(即权责发生制)原则编制资产负债表和利润表。

多项选择题 (Watch the video 25:28-30:16) Why did the teacher ask the students to read the listening material again after the listening task?  A、She may want students to consolidate the listening content. B、She may want students to better understand the structure of the listening materials. C、She may want students toimprove their reading comprehension. D、She may want students to improve their listening comprehension.

多项选择题 (   ) 等一大批科学家,带着“干惊天动地事,做隐姓埋名人”的决心,把热血洒在戈壁滩,把青春和生命奉献给新中国国防建设事业,将热爱祖国、无私奉献、自力更生、艰苦奋斗、大力协同、勇于攀登的“两弹一星”精神,永远镌刻在中国大地上,成为全国各族人民宝贵的精神财富和不竭的动力源泉。 A. 杨振宁 B. 钱三强 C. 钱学森 D. 邓稼先

单项选择题 (    )是想象的材料,(    )的数量和质量直接影响着想象的水平。 A、表象  B、记忆  C、 感知  D、动作

单项选择题 下列各种进制的数中,最小的数是( )。A、(101001)BB、(52)OC、(2B)HD、(44)D

判断题 美元的国际清算系统是CHIPS。