
问答题 名词解释:单据核销

多项选择题 领队在召开出境前说明会时,应当重点说明以下哪些内容(           ) A、欢迎词和领队自我介绍 B、提出要求、行程说明以及通知集合时间和地点 C、提醒带好有关物品、货币的携带与兑换 D、人身安全、财务保管和注意事项

单项选择题 A、-3.5 B、3.5 C、7 D、-7

单项选择题 A.B.C.D.

单项选择题 某刚体作定轴转动,其上任意两点A和B,

单项选择题 合同规定散装大米约100公吨,出口方至少要发货( )公吨。 A、100 B、90 C、95 D、98

多项选择题 What should a chair say, when participants are straying from the point?  A、Since this is an especially important problem, let us concerntrate a bit and discuss it more deeply. B、So far we have discussed the following three points: one…; two …; and three …. Can we concentrate on these three points? C、We sincerely hope that all present here will feel free to express your ideas and exchange various opinions. D、Mr. Smith, I’m afraid we can’t hear you. Would you please speak louder or make use of one of the microphones in the center of the lecture hall?

单项选择题 交易性金融资产购买价款中包括的已经宣告发放但尚未里支取的股利,应计入其初始确认金额。( )

多项选择题 Tobin’s q has several advantages over rate of return measures. A. The numerator of q, market value, reflects expected future profits, whereas accounting data reflect only past profits. B. The market value of a firm depends partly on risk, so q incorporates an adjustment for risk. C. q is much less sensitive to errors in measuring its components than are profits. D. q reflects the operations of the entire firm, creating complications for diversified firms.

单项选择题 关于腹内斜肌,正确的是A. 位于腹壁的最内层B. 腱膜分两层完全包裹腹直肌C. 游离下缘参与构成腹股沟管上壁D. 腱膜参与构成皮下环E. 腱膜参与构成腹环