
多项选择题 用墨常见问

单项选择题 Choose the picture that matches the word. gōng zuò 工作 A、 B、

多项选择题 作用于钢琴的力主要有以下哪些? A、重力 B、作用力 C、肌肉力         D、反作用力

多项选择题 定义属性块的命令有()A. attB. atC. attdefD. attd

问答题 Read the following passage quickly and don’t look back when you answer the questions numbered 1-8 later. The Hawaiian Islands If you would like to go to a beautiful, faraway place, you should go to the Hawaiian Islands. Located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, these islands are far from any other land. They are, in fact, the farthest from land of any islands on earth—about 2,400 miles from San Francisco, 3,830 miles from Tokyo, and 5,540 miles from Hong Kong. There are eight Hawaiian Islands. In order of size, they are Hawaii (the "Big Island"), Maui, Oahu, Kauai, Molokai, Lanai, Niihau, and Kahoolawe. In 1959, the islands together became Hawaii, the 50th state of the United States. While they differ from one another in some ways, the islands share many of the same features. They all have a tropical climate, first of all. The average daytime tem¬perature is about 78 degrees Fahrenheit in the winter and 85 degrees Fahrenheit in the summer. However, it is never uncomfortably hot. The nighttime temperature is always cooler and there is generally a little wind. Rain falls often, but usually not for long. People in Hawaii say that it rains every day somewhere on the islands. The islands also are similar in their natural beauty. They all have volcanic moun¬tains and waterfalls, rain forests and beautiful beaches. The warm, clear water around the islands is filled with many kinds of sea creatures. There are giant sea turtles, whales, and dolphins as well as lots of tropical fish. The forests are full of beautiful birds and flowers. Many of them cannot be found anywhere else in the world. The Hawaiian Islands, in fact, have an interesting natural history. Until modern times, birds and insects were the only kinds of animals living on the islands, with just a few exceptions. The exceptions were the monk seal (a sea mammal) and a kind of bat (a flying mammal). There were no other mammals until people arrived in about 500 a.d. They brought some animals, such as pigs, for food. Other animals, such as mice, probably traveled to the islands hidden in their boats. Each of the islands also has features that are special. For example, the Big Island, Hawaii, is the only island with active volcanoes. Both Manna Loa and Kilauea on Hawaii occasionally erupt, pouring out hot lava and smoke. The island of Oahu is the site of the modern capital of Hawaii, Honolulu. This island also has one of the world's most famous beaches, Waikiki Beach, especially popular with surfers. And finally, the island of Maui is important to HawaUans for its role in the history of the islands. In 1800, Kamehameha the Great became the king of the islands. He established his capital on Maui, where it remained until early in the 20th century. Today, with its tropical climate and natural beauty, Hawaii is a major tourist attraction. People come from all over the world to view the volcanoes, the seacoast and the rain forests. They come to sunbathe or surf at the beaches, or they come just to relax in the warm, sweet air.  This passage is about _______. The Hawaiian Islands are called remote because they are  ______________  The Hawaiian Islands are closest to The temperature in the islands is The features that you can find on all of the Hawaiian Islands are Many kinds of birds and flowers on the islands  You can infer from this passage that, apart from Hawaii, the other islands The island of Maui is especially known for its

单项选择题 自然界中的任何形态缩小到一定程度都能产生不同形态的点,如数据图上的字母、数字、符号、小色块等,当它们缩小至一定比例后都呈现为“点”的形态。A.对B.错

多项选择题 督脉经穴可以治疗( ) A、神志病变 B、热病 C、腰痛 D、眩晕 E、月经病

单项选择题 在字符串中删除与某字符相同的字符,要求用字符数组作函数参数。程序运行结果如下: Input a string: hello, my friend!↙ Input a character: !↙ Results:hello, my friend 在空白处填写适当的表达式或语句,使程序完整并符合题目要求。 #include  void  Squeeze(char s[], char c); int main() {     char  str[20], ch;     printf("Input a string:");     gets(str);      printf("Input a character:");     ch = getchar();     Squeeze(str, ch);     printf("Results:%s", str);     return 0; }   void  Squeeze(char s[], char c) {     int i, j;     for (i=j=0; ________; i++)     {        if (_________)          {             ___________;                           j++;          }     }     s[j] = '\0'; /* 在字符串s的末尾添加字符串结束标志 */ } A. 第18行: s[i]!='\0' 第20行: s[i] != c 第22行: s[j] = s[i] B. 第18行: s[i]!= '' 第20行: s[i] = c 第22行: s[i] = s[j] C. 第18行: s[i]= '\0' 第20行: s[i] == c 第22行: s[j] = s[i] D. 第18行: s[i]=='\0' 第20行: s[i] = c 第22行: s[i] = s[j]

单项选择题 下面故障发生时,_______需要数据库管理员进行手工操作恢复。 A、停电 B、误删表数据 C、死锁 D、操作系统错误

判断题 从生物学和心理学角度看,黄金分割之所以具有普遍性,是因为它最违背人的视觉感受。 正确 错误