
单项选择题 Look at the following application letter for agency. Arrange them in a logical order.  a.     To find out what benefits you can have by partnering with us, please contact us to discuss this opportunity further. b.     We are an established business organization with over two decades of experience in organic food import and distribution.  c.      We are writing to express our interest in being granted the rights of exclusive agency in Beijing for the distribution, promotion and sales of organic food products of your company.  d.     As you may be aware, Beijing is an expanding market for organic food products. Our company will not only increase the presence of your brand here, but we will also compile market research information to be used in making forecasts. e.     In the meantime, please don't hesitate to call or write to us if you have any questions

问答题 I think ……… ……… ……… a top executive to run that part of the business.

多项选择题 4.6定量订货法的主要参数是() A、订货点 B、订货次数 C、订货周期 D、订货批量

单项选择题 无论从个人的基本需求或深层次需求出发,还是从当下整个国际社会导向幸福完满生活的社会发展的价值与目的导向来看,对幸福的整体诉求,已经成为个体和社会发展的根本追求。 A. 对 B. 错

多项选择题 以下哪种情况可以激发退出优先权(     ) A、清算公司 B、现金出售公司 C、新的股权投资者持有巨额股份(50%以上) D、换股收购公司 E、IPO

判断题 第0年,1季度下原材料订单M2,4个。正确错误

单项选择题 (                         ) should be clearly given in advance and designed to encourage selective and intelligent reading for the main meaning rather than students’ understanding of trivial details. , and the attached tasks should be accessible to the students. A. Authenticity B. Task design C. Reading strategies D. None of them

单项选择题 古希腊城市建设的特点是善于利用地形,在海滨城市,。广场普遍设置长廊,如,阿索斯城广场,平面为梯形与较宽的一边建造神庙,两侧柱廊互不平行,柱列开间一致,形象完整,两层高的敞廊采用叠柱式,这种广场布局反映了希腊普化时期,手工业和商业发达的经济特点,对后来的罗马广场有一定的影响。( )

判断题 在Word中可以同时显示水平标尺和垂直标尺的视图方式是大纲视图。

不定项选择 ‏图的视觉优化方法中边绑定方法没有减少图的原始信息​