
单项选择题 患者女性30岁,宫内妊娠39周,临产十小时,骨盆正常,胎心148次/分,ROP,宫缩20秒。7~8分钟一次,宫口开大3cm,S-1,羊水清,目前处理正确的是( )A.肌注盐酸哌替啶B.抬高双脚,防脐带脱垂C.静滴缩宫素待D.宫口开全阴道待产E.剖宫产

单项选择题 Which of the following is not true about mechanical practice in grammar practice? ( )A.Mechanical practice involved activities that are aimed at form accuracy.B.By doing mechanical practice, the students pay repeated attention to a key element in a structure.C.Substitution and transformation drills are most frequently used in mechanical practice.D.There is a clear cut between mechanical and meaningful practice.

单项选择题 ( )A.B.C.D.

单项选择题 莫扎特的三首幻想曲之二 d小调幻想曲 K.397作于1782年,从结构、和弦、织体上预示着浪漫主义的到来A.对B.错

单项选择题 Which of the following statements about process losses are correct? (i) Units of normal loss should be valued at full cost per unit. (ii) Units of abnormal loss should be valued at their scrap value.

单项选择题 Is ________ a questionnaire study or a laboratory experiment? What kind of design do you choose?A.designB.instrumentsC.studyD.activity

单项选择题 Language is creative that body communication isn’t. ( )A.in a wayB.in the wayC.in one way

单项选择题 In the experiment, 10 ml 20% glucose was injected intravenously intorabbits, the urine volume increased significantly due to ( )

单项选择题 在散列存储中,装载因子α又称为装载系数,若用m表示散列表的长度,n表示待散列存储的元素的个数,则α等于n/mA.对B.错

多项选择题 Which constructions belong to the type of endocentric construction? A. just behind the back door B. sit just behind the back door C. behind the back door D. the back door