
中国青少年儿童体质下降的根本原因是维生素和矿物质摄入不足或不均衡。 B.
中国居民人均每天维生素C的实际摄入量为50毫克。 C.
因为摄入的铁元素数量不够,所以中国仍然有许多贫血病人。 D.


单项选择题 图中为2019、2020年个国家出口到中国三文鱼的对比。图中可看出差别最大的进口国是? A. 智利 Chile B. 挪威 Norway C. 美国 US D. 俄罗斯 Russia

单项选择题 p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px 'Hiragino Kaku Gothic ProN'; color: #000000} span.s1 {font: 12.0px 'PingFang SC'} span.s2 {font: 12.0px 'Lucida Grande'} 下列哪些选项正确地表述了孔子对“性”的看法?‎

单项选择题 A.B.C.D.

单项选择题 1944年初,侵华日军发动“一号作战”,很快兵锋直指( )。驻守该城的中国军队与数倍于己的日军血战48天。此战被誉为“东方的莫斯科保卫战”,也是日本战史中记载的唯一一次日军伤亡超过中国军队的战例。这一仗直接致使东条英机内阁下台。 A. 安 B. 衡阳 C. 邵阳 D. 南昌

单项选择题 车站现有设备条件下, 采用合理的技术作业过程, 一昼夜能够接发各方向的货物列车数和运行图规定的旅客列车数被称为( )。A.车站通过能力B.咽喉区通过能力C.咽喉道岔组通过能力D.到发线通过能力

单项选择题 微软的Bing,Windows Live,Microsoft Business Productivity Online等产品属于软件即服务(SaaS)类型。 ( )A.对B.错

单项选择题 多关节肌作为原动肌收缩时,对其中一个关节发挥作用后,对其余关节就不能充分发挥作用,此现象称为多关节肌“被动不足”。 ( )A.对B.错

单项选择题 子类中定义了一个方法,该方法和父类的方法声明相同,但是具有不同的方法体,称为子类方法( )父类方法A.重载B.覆盖C.复制D.调用

单项选择题 MPs is the short form for Members of Parliament, referring to the members of both the upper chamber and the lower chamber. ( ) A.对B.错

多项选择题 A brain-computer interface (BCI) is a technology that allows communication between a human or animal brain and an external technology. This term can refer to an interface that takes signals from the brain to an external piece of hardware, or a technology that sends signals to the brain. Various different brain-computer interface technologies have been developed at different times, through different methods and for diverse purposes, including in virtual reality technology. A brain-computer interface may also be known as a brain-machine interface, a direct neural interface or a mind-machine interface. Some of the earliest brain-computer interface technologies simply recorded signals from the brain. More modern BCI technologies are designed as implants that will improve on skills associated with certain brain activities, such as vision, hearing or other human or animal functions. A range of these devices, called neuroprosthetics, have been developed and are in use around the world as a functional means of assisting human capabilities. Another type of brain-computer interface that is still theoretical relates to the pursuit and construction of artificial intelligence, where technology is designed to imitate human intelligence. Brain-computer interfaces have been studied as a possible means toward a process called "the singularity," which is the theoretical creation of technologies that are more intelligent than humans. It has been suggested that users could "upload" an entire human brain to a theoretical type of brain-computer interface that would completely replicate its function, allowing a human to live on in terms of brain function, without a human body. These and other similar theories continue to drive interest in developing more powerful and sophisticated brain-computer interfaces that can more completely receive a model of high-level human brain activity or intelligence.A.It is an external technology.B.It is a technology that allows communication between a human or animal brain.C.It refers to an interface that takes signals from the brain to an external piece of hardware.D.It is a technology that sends signals to the brain.