
多项选择题 下面的选项中属于郑板桥的艺术特色是 A、必极工而后能写意 B、六分半书 C、凡我画竹,无所师承,多得于纸窗、日光、月形中耳 D、画到无机流露处,无今无古寸心知

单项选择题 没有细胞壁的最小原核型微生物为 A. 衣原体 B. 支原体 C. 立克次体 D. 螺旋体 E. 细菌

单项选择题 饮用净水宜采用( )的供水方式。 A. 水泵水箱联合供水 B. 调速泵组直接供水 C. 气压给水设备供水 D. 单设水箱供水

单项选择题 在中国,1美元=6.3人民币属于(    )汇率标价方法。 A. 直接标价法 B. 间接标价法

单项选择题 When the general purpose of a speech is to inform, your aim is to ________. A、enhance the knowledge and understanding of your audience B、change the attitude of your audience C、change the actions of your audience D、win over your audience to your point of view

单项选择题 Regarding to the electric dipole, which statement as follows is wrong? A、The electric dipole is composed of a positive charge of  and a negative charge of  , and the positive and negative point charges have separation  , and thus the dipole moment can be expressed as  B、The electric dipole is the name given to two point charges of equal magnitude and opposite sign, separated by a distance that is small compared to the distance to the point  at which we want to know the electric and potential fields. C、The potential arising from a point charge is inversely proportional to the distance  , while that of a electric dipole is inversely proportional to . D、The maximum magnitude of electric field is inversely proportional to .

单项选择题 在城市设计中抽象界线是作为条例、法律形式出现的。( )

单项选择题 下图属于哪种预均化堆场的布置方式? A、圆形堆积 B、纵向堆积 C、环形堆积 D、锥形堆积

问答题 什么是塑限、液限和缩限?

单项选择题 当铸件收缩受阻时, 就可能发生应力变形、裂纹等缺陷;因此如轮形铸件的轮辐应设计为( )数或做成弯曲形状。