
不定项选择 ​石英岩由石英砂岩和硅质岩变质而成,矿物成分以石英为主,其次为云母、磁铁矿和角闪石。​

单项选择题 最适宜的锻炼频度是每周进行( )次 A. 1-2 B. 2-3 C. 3-4 D. 4-5

多项选择题 2、大学安全与保护,需要()

单项选择题 The Hawaiian Islands, which are situated in the Pacific, became __________ state of the United States in 1959.A.the fifthB.the fifteenthC.the fiftiethD.the fourth

单项选择题 A1 题型 医护人员对宫颈癌进行健康普查和开展防癌知识宣教,下列不必常规做的是 A. 对已婚妇女定期普查 B. 早期发现 C. 早期诊断 D. 定期做宫颈活检 E. 早期治疗

判断题 用MCGS新建工程时TCP类型必须和实际硬件的类型一致。( ) 正确 错误

多项选择题 下列对“米兰达权利”表述正确的是?   A、“米兰达权利”,就是犯罪嫌疑人保持沉默的权利 B、米兰达警告代表着法治精神和程序正义 C、米兰达警告适用于中国刑事司法领域 D、“你有权保持沉默“来源自米兰达警告

单项选择题 Which of the underline expressions is the hedging of the following sentences. For our present purpose, it is useful to distinguish two kinds of chemical reaction, according to whether the reaction releases energy or requires it. A、 For our present purpose, it is useful to distinguish two kinds of chemical reaction, according to whether the reaction releases energy or requires it. B、 For our present purpose, it is useful to distinguish two kinds of chemical reaction, according to whether the reaction releases energy or requires it. C、 For our present purpose, it is useful to distinguish two kinds of chemical reaction, according to whether the reaction releases energy or requires it. D、 For our present purpose, it is useful to distinguish two kinds of chemical reaction, according to whether the reaction releases energy or requires it.

单项选择题 下列关于智能手机表述不恰当的是

单项选择题 8、 A、0 B、2 C、6 D、12