
多项选择题 下列对“米兰达权利”表述正确的是?   A、“米兰达权利”,就是犯罪嫌疑人保持沉默的权利 B、米兰达警告代表着法治精神和程序正义 C、米兰达警告适用于中国刑事司法领域 D、“你有权保持沉默“来源自米兰达警告

单项选择题 Which of the underline expressions is the hedging of the following sentences. For our present purpose, it is useful to distinguish two kinds of chemical reaction, according to whether the reaction releases energy or requires it. A、 For our present purpose, it is useful to distinguish two kinds of chemical reaction, according to whether the reaction releases energy or requires it. B、 For our present purpose, it is useful to distinguish two kinds of chemical reaction, according to whether the reaction releases energy or requires it. C、 For our present purpose, it is useful to distinguish two kinds of chemical reaction, according to whether the reaction releases energy or requires it. D、 For our present purpose, it is useful to distinguish two kinds of chemical reaction, according to whether the reaction releases energy or requires it.

单项选择题 下列关于智能手机表述不恰当的是

单项选择题 8、 A、0 B、2 C、6 D、12

单项选择题 某医药玻璃厂的决策者根据企业的社会责任和发展需要,制定了经营目标,其目标的优先顺序是: (1)提高疫苗瓶玻璃管的产量使之达到20万件; (2)毛利润不少于35万元; (3)设备与工人工时不足可以加班解决;设备比工人加倍优先考虑,但能不加班最好不加班; (4) 受到上游企业供应能力的限制,只能使用现有材料不能再购进。 根据目标规划的相关知识,以上四个经营目标中,不适合采用目标约束的是 D、目标(4) A、目标(1) B、目标(2) C、目标(3)

判断题 无论是使用单引号或双引号定义的字符串,使用print()输出的结果一致


单项选择题 下面哪一个是直线的斜截式方程?

单项选择题 石决明只具有平肝、清肝的作用,没有滋补肝阴方面的作用( )

单项选择题 细绒棉的长度A. 25cmB. 33cmC. 25~35cmD. 25~33mm