关于双级布置的说法正确的是( )。 A.
与单级布置相比,热风温度可以加热到更高温度 B.
烟气依次经过第二级空气预热器、第二级省煤器、第一级空气预热器、第一级省煤器。 C.
烟气依次经过第二级省煤器、第二级空气预热器、第一级省煤器、第一级空气预热器。 D.
- 未知题型 在调节银行存款项目时,应根据从银行获取的银行存款对账单和从丁公司获取的银行存款日记账编制银行存款余额调节表,并对余额调节表上列示的未达账项进行追查,以证实对公司管理层对银行存款项目的各种认定。具体来说,注册会计师通过对“企业已收款、银行未入账的金额”进行追查,除了不能证实( )认定外,能证实其余的三项认定。D.“权利与义务”
- 单项选择题 216. 若气动功率放大器的放大系数K=10,则( )。 ①输入最大变化量为0.08MPa;②输出的最大变化量为0.08MPa;③输入最大变化量为0.008MPa;④输入为0.002MPa时输出为0.02MPa;⑤输出为0.1MPa时,输入为0.01MPa;⑥输出为0.02MPa是由起步压力决定的。 A、②③⑥ B、①③⑤ C、②④⑥ D、①④⑤
- 未知题型 国有企业改革的方向应该是建立以公有制为主体的现代企业制度。按照产权明晰的要求,企业应有( )。D.行业管理权
- 单项选择题 感染邪毒的发热特点 A、低热起伏 B、寒战高热 C、乍寒乍热 D、恶寒发热
- 未知题型 国际私法课上,老师想提几个问题考考学生。老师说:“有两艘不同国籍的游轮在日本东京湾港口水域发生碰撞,中国法院受理了中国游客的损害赔偿诉讼,则法院应如何适用法律?”学生甲回答:“适用日本法。”老师接着问:“若碰撞发生在公海上呢?”学生乙回答:“适用中国法;”老师再接着问:“若两艘游船都是法国船呢?”学生丙回答:“适用法国法。”老师最后问:“若两艘游船都是法国船,但却在公海上碰撞呢?”学生丁回答:“还是适用法国法。”那么,答对的学生是:D.丁
- 单项选择题 双雄受精产生的合子是( )A. 单倍体B. 二倍体C. 三倍体D. 四倍体E. 嵌合体
- 未知题型 Population DensitiesThe average population density (密度) of the world is 47 persons per square milE.Continental densities range from no permanent inhabitants in Antarctica to 211 per square mile in EuropE.In the western hemisphere, population densities range from about 4 per square mile in Canada to 675 per square mile in Puerto Rico. In Europe the range is from 4 per square mile in Iceland to 831 per square mile in the Netherlands.Within countries there are wide variations of population densities. For example, in Egypt, the average is 55 persons per square mile, but 1,300 person inhabit each square mile in settled portions where the land is arable (适合耕种的).High population densities generally occur in regions of developed industrialization, such as the Netherlands, Belgium, and Great Britain, or where lands are intensively used for agriculture, as in Puerto Rico and JavA.Low average population densities are characteristic of most underdeveloped countries.Low density of population is generally associated with a relatively low percentage of cultivated lanD.This generally results from poor quality lands. It may also be due to natural obstacles to cultivation, such as deserts, mountains, or malaria-infested (疟疾横行的) jungles; to land uses other than cultivation, as pasture and forested land; to primitive methods that limit cultivation; to social obstacles.More economically advanced countries of low population density have, as a rule, large proportions of their populations living in urban areas. Their rural population densities are usually very low. Poorly developed countries of correspondingly low population density, on the other hand, often have a concentration of rural population living on arable land, which is as great as the rural concentration found in the most densely populated industrial countries.Which of the following area has the highest average population density?A.IcelanD.B.CanadA.C.Puerto Rico.D.Netherlands.
- 多项选择题 下面阐述正确的是()。 A、USP是传播品牌独特承诺最有效的方法,USP意味着与一个品牌的精髓所独特相关的销售主张。 B、USP广告不仅只是传播产品信息,更主要的是要激发消费者的购买行为。 C、USP学说的基本前提是,视消费者为感性思维者。 D、USP学说的语法程序是特有的许诺加理由的支持。
- 未知题型 What is the author's attitude towards one-room schools?D.Praising.
- 单项选择题 When we aim to gain passive agreement, we try to get the audience agree on our course of action _____. A、but don’t expect them to join us in our action B、but don’t allow them to start enacting our policy C、and expect them to join us in our action D、and allow them to start enacting our policy