
单项选择题 81. 对NAKAKITA型PID调节器,下列( )提法是错误的。①比较环节是按力矩平衡原理工作的;②PB的调整靠节流分压器;③利用正反馈实现积分作用;④利用正反馈实现微分作用;⑤全开积分阀可实现PD作用规律;⑥全开微分阀可实现PI作用。 A、①②④⑥ B、①②③⑤ C、①②④⑤ D、①③⑤⑥

单项选择题 MyISAM表类型只支持表锁定。A.对B.错

单项选择题 在A*算法中,h(n)代表节点n距离终点的预计代价,当需要确保路径最短时,可以选择大于实际路径长度值的h(n)。 A. 对 B. 错

单项选择题 C语言中,一个整数如果其值在-323768~32767范围内,认为它是int型,只能赋值给int型变量。A.对B.错

多项选择题 新军事革命,就是在以信息技术为核心的高技术迅猛发展推动下,将( )有机地结合在一起而形成的、能彻底改变旧作战方式,极大地提高军事效能的军事革命。A.信息化武器系统B.创新军事理论C.体制变革D.科技发展

单项选择题 在32位系统中,下面的程序段将输出 (   ) 。 char *p = "abcdef";printf("%d", strlen(p)); A.4B.5C.6D.7

单项选择题 Tourmalet Co sold an item of plant for 40 million at the date of sale,which was charged to cost of sales. On the same date, Tourmalet Co entered into an agreement to lease back the plant for the next five years (being the estimated remaining life of the plant) at a cost of $14 million per annum payable annually in arrears. An arrangement of this type is normally deemed to have a financing cost of 10% per annum. Tourmalet Co retained the rights to direct the use of and retain substantially all the remaining benefits from the plant. Using the drop down box, select what amount will be shown as income from this transaction in the statement of profit or loss for the year ended 30 September 20X4?

单项选择题 A.B.C.D.

单项选择题 What rhetorical device is used in the following sentence?Raising children requires the same dedication you would give to a garden. Nurture them. Feed them, introduce them to both light and dark, and have patience; and soon you will see them grow into blooming wonders. ( )A.antithesisB.punC.analogyD.personification

单项选择题 Charles I was the only King executed in the history of Great Britain! .( )A.对B.错